Milwaukee Piranhas Swim Team
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Welcome To The Piranhas Home Page

Milwaukee Piranhas Swim Team is part of the Milwaukee Recreation Program.  Over the past few years the team has grown in numbers and we have had to expand to additional swim sites.  Fall Session registration is under way. You can register at the Recreation office at Central Office, through the mail or on-line. Or, just come to Riverside(M,W,Th) or Washington H.S. (T,Th, Sat) at the start of the season and sign up at the Recreation office on site. (Begins last week of September).  Riverside H.S. meets on M/W/Th,from 6:00-7:30 (check guide for your level's start time)and  Washington H.S. on T/Th (6-7:30) and Saturday mornings (9-10:30). You can sign up for one primary location and for additional $10 you can cross train at one of the additional locations.  We also offer a Pre-Competitive program for beginning swimmers who aren't afraid of the water and are interested in building their skills as beginning competitive swimmers. This program is offered at the above locations.



Don't Miss our Contact Page!

On our Contact page, you are able to leave us a message or ask us a question.  When you are through don't forget to fill out the bottom section for our "Guest Book." 

Send us an email



Click on the Piranha on the contact page and view the guest book.